EASA - European Association Standards Alliance 10ª Rue de la Pépinière, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: (32 2) 513-7806 - Fax: (32 2) 513-2861 http://www.easa-alliance.org |
ICAS – International Council for Ad Self-Regulation Rue des Deux Églises 26 - 1000 Brussels, Belgium - Tel.: +32 474 88 19 85 https://icas.global |
Austria Österreichischer Werberat (ÖWR) Endereço: c/o Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Schwartzenbergplatz 14, A - 1040 VIENNA Telefone: +43 1 514 502 296 Fax: +43 1 512 954 83796 http://www.werberat.or.at |
Alemanha for issues of taste and decency Deutscher Werberat (DW) Endereço: Verbändehaus, Am Weidendamm 1A, D - 10117 Berlin Telefone: +49 (030) 59 00 99 700 Fax: +49 (030) 59 00 99 722 http://www.werberat.de |
Bélgica Jury d'Ethique Publicitaire/Jury voor Ethische Praktijken Inzake Reclame (JEP) Endereço: Ave Louise 120 / Louisalaan 120, Bte / Bus 5, B - 1050 BRUXELLES / BRUSSEL Telefone: +32 2 502 70 70 Fax: +32 2 502 77 33 http://www.jepbelgium.be |
Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre (BACC) Endereço: 16 Hatfields, London SE1 8DJ, UK Telefone: +44 207 633 2935 Fax: +44 207 633 3023 http://www.bacc.org.uk |
Dinamarca Reklame Forum (RF) Endereço: c/o Dansk Annoncørforening, Søborg Hovedgade 65b 1, DK - 2860 Søborg Telefone: +45 3927 4346 Fax: +45 3927 4946 http://www.annoncoer.dk |
Eslovenia Slovenska Oglaševalska Zbornica (SOZ) Endereço: Parmova ul. 53, 1000 LJUBLJANA Telefone: +386 1 439 60 50/55 Fax: +386 1 430 60 59 http://www.soz.si |
Espanha Asociación para la Autorregulación de la Comunicación Comercial (Autocontrol) Endereço: Príncipe de Vergara, 109, 5th floor, 28002 MADRID Telefone: +34 91 309 66 37 Fax: +34 91 402 98 24 http://www.autocontrol.es |
Finlândia Liiketapalautakunta (LTL) Endereço: P.O. Box 1000, FIN - 00101 HELSINKI Telefone: +35 8 969 69 69 Fax: +35 8 965 03 03 http://www.keskuskauppakamari.fi |
França Bureau de Vérification de la Publicité (BVP) Endereço: 11 rue Saint Florentin, F - 75008 PARIS Telefone: +33 1 40 15 15 40 Fax: +33 1 40 15 15 41/2 http://www.bvp.org |
Grecia Advertising Self-Regulation Council (SEE) Endereço: 19, Astronafton str., 151 25 Athens Telefone: +30 210 68 99 331 Fax: +30 210 68 95 711 http://www.see.gr |
Holanda Stichting Reclame Code (SRC) Endereço: PO Box 12 352, NL - 1100 AJ AMSTERDAM Telefone: +31 20 696 00 19 Fax: +31 20 696 56 59 http://www.reclamecode.nl |
Hungria Önszabályozó Reklám Testület (ÖRT) Endereço: Borbély u.5-7, H - 1132 BUDAPEST Telefone: +36 1 349 2717 Fax: +36 1 239 9866/349 3223 http://www.ort.hu |
Irlanda Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) Endereço: IPC House 35-39 Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, IRL - DUBLIN 4 Telefone: +353 1 66 08 766 Fax: +353 1 66 08 113 http://www.asai.ie |
Itália Istituto dell'Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria (IAP) Endereço: Via Larga 15, 20122 MILAN Telefone: +39 02 58 30 49 41 Fax: +39 02 58 30 37 17 http://www.iap.it |
Lituania |
Luxemburgo Commission Luxembourgeoise pour l'Ethique en Publicité (CLEP) Endereço: c/o Confédération Luxembourgeoise du Commerce (CLC) 31, Blvd Konrad Adenauer, L - 1115 LUXEMBOURG Telefone: +35 2 49 68 68 Fax: +35 2 48 87 70 |
Polônia Rada Reklamy (RR) Endereço: Zwiazek Stowarzyszen Rada Reklamy, ul. Koszykowa 10 lok. 11. 00-564 WARSAW Telefone: +48 22 621 31 94 http://www.radareklamy.org/ |
Portugal Instituto Civil da Autodisciplina da Publicidade (ICAP) Endereço: Rua Gregório Lopes, Lote 1515, Loja 6, 1400-408 LISBON Telefone: +351 21 303 70 00 Fax: +351 21 303 70 09 http://www.icap.pt |
Reino Unido The Advertising Standards Authority Limited (ASA) Endereço: Mid City Place, 71, High Holborn, London WC1V 6QT Telefone: +44 20 7492 2222 Fax: +44 020 7242 3696 http://www.asa.org.uk |
República Eslováquia Rada Pre Reklamu (SRPR) Endereço: Grösslingova 51, 811 09 BRATISLAVA Telefone: +421 2 529 62 370 Fax: +421 2 529 62 370 http://www.rpr.sk |
República Tcheca |
Romenia Consiliul Roman Pentru Publicitate / The Romanian Advertising Council Union (RAC) Endereço: Str Buzesti 61, Bl A6, Et 8, Ap 55, Sector 1 Telefone: +4021 312 2583 Fax: +4021 312 2583 (same as tel#) http://www.rac.ro |
Suécia MarknadsEtiska Rådet (MER) Endereço: c/o Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, SE - 114 82 STOCKHOLM Telefone: +46 8 553 430 45 Fax: +46 8 553 431 81 http://www.marknadsetiskaradet.org |
Suíça Commission Suisse pour la Loyauté (CSL) Endereço: Kappelergasse 14, Postfach 2744, CH - 8022 ZURICH Telefone: +41 1 211 79 22 Fax: +41 1 211 80 18 http://www.lauterkeit.ch |
Turquia Reklam Özdenetim Kurulu (RÖK) Endereço: YIstiklal Caddesi No:407, Kat:4 34433 TR - ISTANBUL Telefone: +90 212 243 93 69 Fax: +90 212 257 93 70 http://www.rok.org.tr |
for issues of misleading advertising and unfair competition Zentrale zur Bekämpfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs e.V. (ZEN) Endereço: Landgrafenstrasse 24 B D-61348 BAD HOMBURG v.d.H. Telefone: +49 617 212 15 30 Fax: +49 617 28 44 22 http://www.wettbewerbszentrale.de |
África do Sul Advertising Standards Aurthority of South Africa (ASASA) Endereço: Burnside Island Willowview 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, CRAIGHALL PARK Telefone: +27 11 781 20 06 Fax: +27 11 781 16 16 http://www.asasa.org.za |
Austrália The Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB) Endereço: The Advertising Standards Bureau, Level 2, 97 Northbourne Avenue, CANBERRA ACT 2612 Telefone: + 02 6262 9822 Fax: + 02 6262 9833 http://www.adstandards.com.au |
Canadá Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) Endereço: 175 Bloor Street East, Suite 1801, Toronto, ON M4W 3R8 Telefone: +1 416 961 6311 Fax: (1 416) 961 7904 http://www.adstandards.com |
Nova Zelândia The Advertising Standards Authority (ASANZ) Endereço: Ground Floor, 79 Boulcott Street PO Box 10-675, WELLINGTON Telefone: +64 4 472 7852 Fax: +64 4 471 1785 http://www.asa.co.nz |
Argentina Consejo de Autorregulación Publicitaria Av. Belgrano 624 624 / Piso 3 C1092AAT Tel: (54 11) 4331 - 9360 http://www.conarp.org.ar |
Chile Consejo de Autorregulación y Ética Publicitaria Guardia Vieja 255, oficina 1604, Providencia, Santiago de Chile Tel: (56 2) 331 04 41 Fax: (56 2) 331 04 42 http://www.conar.cl/ |
Colombia Unión Colombiana de Empresas Publicitarias Calle 99 # 7A-77 Oficina 401 Bogotá Tel +57(1) 6110011 ucepcol@gmail.com www.ucepcol.com |
Paraguai Centro de Regulación, Normas y Estudios de la Comunicación Cap. Víctor Lafuente 475 c/Pitiantuta Tel. (021) 213.639 Cel. (0971) 205 670 / (0981) 980 488 cerneco@cerneco.org.py www.cerneco.org.py |
Peru Consejo Nacional de Autorregulación Publicitaria del Perú Rivera Navarrete No. 765 - Of. 41 San Isidro - Lima Tel.: / Fax: (511) 421.1096 conar@conarperu.org www.conarperu.org |
El Salvador Avenida La Capilla #353, Colonia San Benito, San Salvador, El Salvador. Tel.: (503) 2259-2444 Fax: (503) 2211-5900 http://www.cnp.org.sv |
México Magdalena 434 oficina 401 Col. Del Valle Ciudad de México, D.F C.P. 03100 Tels. 90 00 30 51 al 53 http://www.conar.org.mx |
Uruguai Consejo Nacional de Autorregulación Publicitaria Pte. Gral. Oscar Gestido 2541 Montevideo, Uruguay CP:11800 Tels. (+598) 2707 9116 – 2707 7275 conarp@conarp.com.uy www.conarp.com.uy |
Associação Brasileira de Anunciantes
Associação Brasileira das Agências de Publicidade
Associação Nacional de Jornais
Associação Nacional de Editores de Revistas
Associação Brasileira de Emissoras de Rádio e Televisão
Central de Outdoor
Planalto do Governo
Câmara dos Deputados
Senado Federal
I.A.A. International Advertising Association
342, Madison Avenue, Suite 2000
NY, NY 10017
Tel.: (212) 557-1133
Fax: (212) 983-0455
National Advertising Division
70 W 36th St., 13th Floor,
New York, NY 10018
SILEC - Sociedad Interamericana
para la Liberdad
de la Expresión Comercial
Av Francisco de Miranda
Edif. Centro Empresarial Miranda,
Piso 3 Oficina 3-K -
Caracas – Venezuela
Teléfono: (58-2) 239 4275 Telefax: 239 1964
Associación Nacional de Anunciantes
Zentralverband der Deutschen Weberwirtschaft
Organo de las Opiniones del Consumidor Dominicano
Better Business Bureau
The Advertising Counsil
Federal Trade Comission